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Эльче во время нынешнего розыгрыша чемпионата Испании зарекомендовал себя как поставщик очков. Несмотря на то, что "Кадис" также находится в зоне вылета, у "желтых" есть неплохие шансы набрать 3 очка. Во-первых, подопечные Гонсалеса сейчас находятся в хорошей форме. Во-вторых, они, как борец за выживание, очень хорошо проявляют себя в своей области.У "Эльче" нет другого выбора, кроме как оставить все силы на поле и попытаться добавить 3 очка. Но я все же склонен думать, что "Кадис" будет ближе к победе - первому месту.
Elche during the current draw of the Spanish championship has established itself as a supplier of points. Despite the fact that Cadiz is also in the relegation zone, the "yellow" have a good chance to score 3 points. Firstly, Gonzalez's players are in good shape now. Secondly, they, as a fighter for survival, show themselves very well in their field.Elche has no choice but to leave all the forces on the field and try to add 3 points. But I still tend to think that Cadiz will be closer to victory - the first place.
Elche during the current draw of the Spanish championship has established itself as a supplier of points. Despite the fact that Cadiz is also in the relegation zone, the "yellow" have a good chance to score 3 points. Firstly, Gonzalez's players are in good shape now. Secondly, they, as a fighter for survival, show themselves very well in their field.Elche has no choice but to leave all the forces on the field and try to add 3 points. But I still tend to think that Cadiz will be closer to victory - the first place.

Эльче - это команда, которая, скорее всего, больше не сможет сохранить прописку в элите. Вы уже знаете левантийские проблемы в атаке и обороне. При этом они остаются единственным представителем примеры, у которого до сих пор нет в активе ни одной победы: 4 мировых результата и 12 поражений. Из-за всего 4 очков этого достаточно, чтобы занять лишь 20-е место в общем зачете.
Elche is a team that, most likely, will no longer be able to keep a residence permit in the elite. You already know the Levantine problems in attack and defense. At the same time, they remain the only representative of the examples who still does not have a single victory in the asset: 4 world results and 12 defeats. Because of just 4 points, it is enough to take only 20th place in the overall standings.
Elche is a team that, most likely, will no longer be able to keep a residence permit in the elite. You already know the Levantine problems in attack and defense. At the same time, they remain the only representative of the examples who still does not have a single victory in the asset: 4 world results and 12 defeats. Because of just 4 points, it is enough to take only 20th place in the overall standings.

Кадис очень хорош после окончания чемпионата мира. В предпоследней группе "желтые" отобрали очки у "Альмерии" (1:1). За этим последовала сенсационная выездная победа над "Валенсией" (0:1). Такие достижения позволили подопечным Серхио Гонсалеса полноценно вмешаться в борьбу за выживание. В активе сейчас 15 очков, чего вполне достаточно, чтобы оказаться на 18-й строчке. Интересно, что у 17-й Севильи такое же количество очков, но чуть лучшие дополнительные показатели, у Кадиса очень серьезные проблемы как с игрой, так и с обороной.
Cadiz is very good after the end of the World Cup. In the penultimate group, the Yellows took points from Almeria (1:1). This was followed by a sensational away victory over Valencia (0:1). Such achievements allowed Sergio Gonzalez's wards to fully intervene in the struggle for survival. The asset now has 15 points, which is enough to be on the 18th line. Interestingly, the 17th Sevilla has the same number of points, but slightly better additional indicators, Cadiz has very serious problems with both performance and defense.
Cadiz is very good after the end of the World Cup. In the penultimate group, the Yellows took points from Almeria (1:1). This was followed by a sensational away victory over Valencia (0:1). Such achievements allowed Sergio Gonzalez's wards to fully intervene in the struggle for survival. The asset now has 15 points, which is enough to be on the 18th line. Interestingly, the 17th Sevilla has the same number of points, but slightly better additional indicators, Cadiz has very serious problems with both performance and defense.

"Сампдория" продолжает активно бороться за выживание. Однако в минувшие выходные подопечные Деяна Станковича проиграли дома "Наполи" со счетом 0:2. Однако этот "разврат" никак не повлиял на классификацию "моряков". Как и прежде, они находятся на 19-й позиции (9 очков в активе). Отставание от 17-й строчки по сейву по-прежнему составляет 6 очков. "Сампдория" очень хорошо выступает на выезде: В-2, Н-1, П-5. Разница мячей - 6:15. Набрал 7 очков (из 9).
Sampdoria continues to actively fight for survival. However, last weekend, the wards of Dejan Stankovic lost at home to Napoli with a score of 0:2. However, this "debauchery" did not affect the classification of "sailors" in any way. As before, they are in the 19th position (9 points in the asset). The gap from the 17th save line is still 6 points."Sampdoria" performs very well on the road: B-2, H-1, P-5. The goal difference is 6:15. Scored 7 points (out of 9).
Sampdoria continues to actively fight for survival. However, last weekend, the wards of Dejan Stankovic lost at home to Napoli with a score of 0:2. However, this "debauchery" did not affect the classification of "sailors" in any way. As before, they are in the 19th position (9 points in the asset). The gap from the 17th save line is still 6 points."Sampdoria" performs very well on the road: B-2, H-1, P-5. The goal difference is 6:15. Scored 7 points (out of 9).

В последнем розыгрыше чемпионата Италии "Сампдория" одержала 2 "сухие" победы над "Эмполи" — 2:0 и 0:3.
В 4 из 6 предыдущих личных встреч между командами (в Серии А) ставки "обе забьют – нет".
В предыдущих 6 личных встречах на стадионе Карло Кастеллани игроки "Сампдории" набрали в общей сложности более 0,5 очков.
Если у "Эмполи" большие проблемы в атаке, то у "Сампы" проблемы в обороне - 30 пропущенных мячей. На данный момент в чемпионате Италии нет команды, которая пропустила бы больше (Верона пропустила столько же).
In the last draw of the Italian championship, Sampdoria won 2 "dry" victories over Empoli — 2:0 and 0:3.
In 4 of the 6 previous personal meetings between the teams (in Serie A), the bets "both will score – no".
In the previous 6 personal meetings at the Carlo Castellani Stadium, Sampdoria players scored more than 0.5 in total.
If Empoli has big problems in attack, then Sampa has problems in defense - 30 goals conceded. At the moment, there is no team in the Italian championship that would miss more (Verona missed the same amount).
В 4 из 6 предыдущих личных встреч между командами (в Серии А) ставки "обе забьют – нет".
В предыдущих 6 личных встречах на стадионе Карло Кастеллани игроки "Сампдории" набрали в общей сложности более 0,5 очков.
Если у "Эмполи" большие проблемы в атаке, то у "Сампы" проблемы в обороне - 30 пропущенных мячей. На данный момент в чемпионате Италии нет команды, которая пропустила бы больше (Верона пропустила столько же).
In the last draw of the Italian championship, Sampdoria won 2 "dry" victories over Empoli — 2:0 and 0:3.
In 4 of the 6 previous personal meetings between the teams (in Serie A), the bets "both will score – no".
In the previous 6 personal meetings at the Carlo Castellani Stadium, Sampdoria players scored more than 0.5 in total.
If Empoli has big problems in attack, then Sampa has problems in defense - 30 goals conceded. At the moment, there is no team in the Italian championship that would miss more (Verona missed the same amount).

"Эмполи" провел 2 матча в чемпионате после перерыва и пока не проиграл. Были зафиксированы ничьи с очень серьезными соперниками. Я думаю, что "синие" сейчас способны играть на победу. Более того, их соперник не только проблемный, но и после сложного кубкового матча с "Фиорентиной" 12 января.
Я полностью признаю, что у гостей сейчас просто нет времени восстановиться после Кубка. Более сильные и свежие владельцы вполне могут воспользоваться этим.
Мой прогноз. Предлагаю сделать ставку на победу хозяев.
Empoli has played 2 league matches after the break and has not lost yet. Draws were recorded against very serious opponents. I think the Blues are now capable of playing to win. Moreover, their opponent is not only problematic, but also after a difficult cup match with Fiorentina on January 12.
I fully admit that the guests just don't have time to recover after the Cup right now. Stronger and fresher owners may well take advantage of this.
My forecast. I propose to bet on the victory of the hosts.
Я полностью признаю, что у гостей сейчас просто нет времени восстановиться после Кубка. Более сильные и свежие владельцы вполне могут воспользоваться этим.
Мой прогноз. Предлагаю сделать ставку на победу хозяев.
Empoli has played 2 league matches after the break and has not lost yet. Draws were recorded against very serious opponents. I think the Blues are now capable of playing to win. Moreover, their opponent is not only problematic, but also after a difficult cup match with Fiorentina on January 12.
I fully admit that the guests just don't have time to recover after the Cup right now. Stronger and fresher owners may well take advantage of this.
My forecast. I propose to bet on the victory of the hosts.

24 апр
Гуанчжоу - Ульсан Хёндэ
ЗАВЕРШЕН (0 - 5)
Përballja e fundit ballë për ballë mes klubeve u zhvillua më 21 prill 2022 dhe ndeshja përfundoi me rezultat 3:0. Nëse marrim parasysh të gjithë historinë e takimeve personale, kjo tregon 1 lojë. Ekipi Guangzhou Evergrande doli fitimtar në 0 ndeshje, ndërsa Klubi Ulsan mundi kundërshtarin e ardhshëm 1 herë, në 0 ndeshje të tjera skuadrat nuk mund të identifikonin më të fortët dhe takimet përfunduan në barazim. Statistikat e golave të shënuar dhe të pësuar tregojnë si më poshtë: 3-3. Për një analizë të plotë, është e nevojshme të analizoni formën aktuale të komandave.

24 апр
Гуанчжоу Эвергранд - Ульсан
ЗАВЕРШЕН (0 - 5)
1 parte - IT2B (0.5)1.06
Ulsan Hyundai venceu em 10 dos últimos 14 jogos
P21. 01
Nenhum dos últimos 7 jogos da equipe Guangzhou Evergrand terminou empatado
Nos últimos 4 jogos, a equipe de Guangzhou Evergrand perde a primeira
Nos últimos 4 jogos, a equipe de Guangzhou Evergrand perde a última
Ulsan Hyundai marca em 12 jogos consecutivos
Ulsan Hyundai não perde fora por 6 jogos
Ulsan Hyundai marca primeiro nos últimos 5 jogos fora de casa
Ulsan Hyundai venceu em 10 dos últimos 14 jogos
P21. 01
Nenhum dos últimos 7 jogos da equipe Guangzhou Evergrand terminou empatado
Nos últimos 4 jogos, a equipe de Guangzhou Evergrand perde a primeira
Nos últimos 4 jogos, a equipe de Guangzhou Evergrand perde a última
Ulsan Hyundai marca em 12 jogos consecutivos
Ulsan Hyundai não perde fora por 6 jogos
Ulsan Hyundai marca primeiro nos últimos 5 jogos fora de casa

24 апр
Гуанчжоу - Ульсан Хёндэ
ЗАВЕРШЕН (0 - 5)
Guangzhou Evergrand venceu 7 dos últimos 10 jogos em casa
Nos últimos 3 jogos, onde Ulsan Hyundai joga fora, ambas as equipes marcam
Ambos marcam6. 8
Guangzhou Evergrand não marca em 4 jogos consecutivos
IT1M (0.5) 1.13
A equipe de Guangzhou Evergrand perdeu a primeira parte nos últimos 4 jogos
1 parte-P21.1
Nos últimos 4 jogos, Guangzhou Evergrand perde no primeiro tempo
Nos últimos 3 jogos, onde Ulsan Hyundai joga fora, ambas as equipes marcam
Ambos marcam6. 8
Guangzhou Evergrand não marca em 4 jogos consecutivos
IT1M (0.5) 1.13
A equipe de Guangzhou Evergrand perdeu a primeira parte nos últimos 4 jogos
1 parte-P21.1
Nos últimos 4 jogos, Guangzhou Evergrand perde no primeiro tempo

20 апр
Пескара до 19 - Милан до 19
ЗАВЕРШЕН (3 - 1)
An mheanma go leor foirne ar feadh chluiche ar leith ag brath ar an gcaoi a bhí siad níos luaithe cluichí. Na táscairí de Milano faoi 19 labhairt ar a son féin. I cúig chruinnithe roimhe sin, d ' éirigh sí a bhuachan 2 victories, agus chaill sé 3 huaire. Táimid i gcuimhne duit go bhfuil an opponents an bhfoireann sna cluichí ná: SPAL U19 (0:4), Cagliari U19 (2:4), Juventus U-19 (4:1), Verona U19 (2:0) agus Fiorentina U19 (3:1), agus anois tá an lucht leanúna de na scuad is dócha a bheith ag súil as a cé níos rathúla bhfuil na torthaí is féidir.

20 апр
Пескара (19) - Милан (19)
ЗАВЕРШЕН (3 - 1)
Fuair muid go dtí an rud is tábhachtaí - an rogha de na geall ar an gcluiche. Tar éis anailís a dhéanamh ar méid mór na sonraí staidrimh, chonaic muid go bhfuil an cluiche a d ' fhéadfadh fhorbairt ar an chuid is mó gan choinne cás. Ar éigean aon cheann de na clubanna a thabhairt pointí gan troid. Ach in ainneoin go léir an toisc nach féidir an chluiche, bhí muid in ann a roghnú gealltóireachta rogha sin tá seans maith a rith
Fuair muid go dtí an rud is tábhachtaí - an rogha de na geall ar an gcluiche. Tar éis anailís a dhéanamh ar méid mór na sonraí staidrimh, chonaic muid go bhfuil an cluiche a d ' fhéadfadh fhorbairt ar an chuid is mó gan choinne cás. Ar éigean aon cheann de na clubanna a thabhairt pointí gan troid. Ach in ainneoin go léir an toisc nach féidir an chluiche, bhí muid in ann a roghnú gealltóireachta rogha sin tá seans maith a rith

20 апр
Пескара до 19 - Милан до 19
ЗАВЕРШЕН (3 - 1)
An ceann deireanach duine - le - duine achrann idir na clubanna ar siúl ar nollaig 18 , 2021 agus chríochnaigh an cluiche le scór de 4:2. Má mheasann againn ar an stair iomlán de na cruinnithe pearsanta, léiríonn sé 2 cluichí. An Pescara U19 fhoireann a tháinig chun cinn victorious i 0 oireann, cé go bhfuil an Milano U-19 club buille an teacht chéile comhraic 2 uair, i 0 cluichí níos mó na foirne níorbh fhéidir a aithint ar an is láidre agus na cruinnithe a chríochnaigh i tharraingt. Na staitisticí na spriocanna scór agus ghéill léiríonn an méid seo a leanas: 2-5. Le haghaidh anailís iomlán, tá sé riachtanach chun anailís a dhéanamh ar na fhoirm atá ann faoi láthair na n-orduithe.